The Manuelito Project
Project Manuelito is a ministry to children who have lived in and on the streets of Honduras. Having been homeless as a child himself, Pastor Jorge Pinto led his church in a project to help get kids off the streets. Project Manuelito focuses on housing and caring for both girls and boys who have been abandoned by their parents and have been exposed to abuse, illness, drugs, and violence.
Project Manuelito’s vision is:
- To see Honduras without children living on the streets or being mistreated.
- To rescue those who are currently living on the streets.
- To integrate these children as “new” people with the goal of helping them become productive citizens of Honduras.
Impact Ukraine
Together with our ministry partners, our desire is to make the greatest IMPACT possible. We give of our treasure and resources as an act of recognition for God’s ineffable provision to us
How we use our God-given gifts is another question we are challenged to analyze in our lives. We are answerable to God for how we make use of the resources and abilities He has entrusted to us. We are all answerable for the gifts and talents we have to use them for the building up of the Church into “the full stature of Christ.” For this reason, we support the work of local church programs.